Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

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Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by mkr »

A few weeks ago I was in a hotel and was listening through the connecting door to see if there was a couple there so I could hope for some sex sounds later. Turns out it was a gay guy that had just picked up a guy and he was talking to his main guy on the phone about how he was about to mess around with this guy that he just brought in and he hoped he wouldn't get mad. What people do in their own bedrooms is their business but that was NOT what I was expecting and I don't care to listen to 2 guys doing stuff. So I had to put my headphones on and listen to this site.

I also heard an Indian couple one time through the connecting door just having conversations and the guy seemed ok but his wife or girlfriend in there was going on an anti Semitic rant about how Jews were the problem everywhere. Crazy. Anyone else hear anything they wished they hadn't in a hotel?
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't hav

Post by futtock »

One time I was staying at a hotel and along the corridor there were two guys sharing (not gay as it turned out….) Anyway, they get back at about 11pm and half an hour later this woman turns up. I didn't see her but one of them went downstairs to let her in (the hotel was unstaffed at night) so I'm thinking she's a prostitute. There wasn't much action in the rest of the hotel so I listened at the guys' door for a bit. I could clearly hear body slaps and male moans but no female sounds - not even fake moans. After a bit, guy 1 came, there was a bit of talking then she seemed to move to the other bed to start work on guy 2. After he came, she left. It was all rather sad and sordid and I felt sorry for the poor woman who had to turn a trick for the sort of lowlife who is happy to look on while his mate screws a whore.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't hav

Post by sc0tt-uk »

Not overheard anything awkward in hotels here, but there have been a few moments with neighbours and attempts to capture covert recordings of people I know that've made me pull back from the hobby for a while. One time in particular springs to mind when my upstairs neighbour Rachel had just broken up with her ex. I made a frantic dash to drop the recorder because I was fairly sure I'd heard some moaning start up. When I got the recorder back, turned out to be her crying in bed instead. Not good.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by xyzdowme »

Got stranded at the airport in Detroit by flight delays, the airline put us up in a cheap hotel near the airport (no choices). Didn't get to my room until almost 1 AM, and had a very early flight out the next morning so I just wanted to sleep. Soon heard a couple come into the room next door, and it wasn't long before they started having sex. They were both talking pretty loud - "Oh yeah, oh shit baby" over and over with moans interspersed. Finally they both came I guess, then the shower went on. A few minutes later he was yelling at her because she had put scratches on his back and he was worried his wife was going to see them. They left a little while later. I love hearing sex next door but that one I could have skipped.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by LeStanf »

I've heard and recorded quite a few arguments over the years, some of which led to tears. Many of them seem really petty and it's obvious that one partner is out to get the other, usually for no good reason. I've often thought they should just stop for a moment and remember they're supposed to care for and support each other.

This has actually had quite an effect on me. It's led me to realise that there's very little in life that's worth getting upset about, and that others can not solve your problems for you. As a result, I haven't had an argument with my partner for many years.

If you're going to spend time together let it be the sounds of love you make, not the sounds of bickering. It's another reason why I love this site - love sounds really are the sweetest music.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by audiophile444 »

I am sure others have had this experience, but it is one that all who use motels or inns for recreational sex may encounter. Through an Adult dating site, I met a middle-aged woman one afternoon at a truck stop motel - it was her choice. She was married but her husband was impotent, so she got relief once in a while with her husband's approval. She was in her mid-50''s but still had fairly firm breasts and very little flab. She was soft-spoken and did not say much except to tell me she was amenable to almost anything, as long as she got off. I was unprepared for how sex-starved she was and how vocal she became on the road to climaxing. This woman was multi-orgasmic and it took all my mental power to maintain an erection. I lost count after the third or fourth orgasm and, as she was riding me, telling me loudly that she was getting there, so I would not pop prematurely, a man in the adjoining room started to pound hard on the wall and shouted that he needed to get some sleep, adding some choice curses. I literally shrank and she hopped off. I fingered her to completion as she muffled her screams in a pillow and that was that. (She had sucked me off much earlier so I had already had some pleasure but was denied a second rush.) That experience colored my selection of trysting places for the future. I became really gun shy about meeting a woman anywhere unless I was sure the walls were thick and the room was isolated. Even then, in the back of my mind I was prepared to deal with an interruption, which oddly enough actually helped me to last longer, but had the unwanted affect of inhibiting me as I too am very loud during sex. As a result, I eventually primarily sought women who could entertain in their homes, which limited my selection, and the number of times I could indulge myself. Now I realize that some people do not mind being overheard and some even relish it, but I am one of those who is very self-conscious about it. I would be interested to learn about other members who have had similar experiences and share my inhibitions abut being overheard. Regards to all, Audiophile
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by thomas »

I totally agree. In the former times in the student dormitory I noticed so many arguing couples who wasted their (and also my) time... and already at that time I decided to limit any arguments in my personal environment to the lowest extent possible, because it`s just a waste of time and generates bad feelings which not necessarily can be healed, but lead earlier or later to separation...
LeStanf wrote:I've heard and recorded quite a few arguments over the years, some of which led to tears. Many of them seem really petty and it's obvious that one partner is out to get the other, usually for no good reason. I've often thought they should just stop for a moment and remember they're supposed to care for and support each other.

This has actually had quite an effect on me. It's led me to realise that there's very little in life that's worth getting upset about, and that others can not solve your problems for you. As a result, I haven't had an argument with my partner for many years.

If you're going to spend time together let it be the sounds of love you make, not the sounds of bickering. It's another reason why I love this site - love sounds really are the sweetest music.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by JulietH »

In a hotel in Birmingham I picked up a couple in the motions of what sounded like oral. She was making sucking noises while the guy was telling her what to do. It all seemed perfectly ok until it became evident she was gagging and he was not helping - if anything forcing himself into her throat. He climaxed and as he pulled away you could hear her chocking and starting to cry. To make matters worse, after the briefest of apologies he then started having a go at her about meeting his needs and how it was really all her fault.
The closest I have ever been to breaking cover and joining the discussion.
What a jerk
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by thomas »

Actually, something like that happened to me in a similar situation in my former times in the student dorm. I was just the stairway going down when a student couple (she studied medicine and had her room on my floor) was coming across on their way upstairs. They had two big backpacks on their shoulders and obviously just came back from holiday. I just said hallo and did not expect too much, because it was early afternoon and I did not expect them to have sex (maybe that evening or so, I thought...). Nevertheless, after 20 minutes or so I became curious what they are doing, and approached her room, and what was going on was indeed a bit strange: I listened how her boyfriend was obviously just coming out of the bed and getting on his clothes again (at least his trousers and shoes), then he left her room (likely to his flat that had to be also in the same dorm).
Few seconds later I heared her coming out of the bed (she was alone now) and running to the toilet where she was puking so bad and crying almost simultaneously, that I was wondering what was going on and whether she needed help. When she finished vomiting she opened the door towards the floor, went to the window (on the floor) and opened it. Obviously she had to see me again when doing this, I said hello, but she ignored me somehow and obviously did not want to bee seen...
I assume that after they came back from their holiday he was so horny that he wanted her to give him a blowjob (or something else) which made her vomiting so heavily afterwards... quite a strange situation...
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by physicist »

Some girls just dont take blowjobs well
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by moanspy »

well the worst thing happened to me once is a bit disgusting well for most , for some its ok , i was spying on a couple having sex and when they are done i came back after an hour to see if they are having round 2 instead i heard some snoring then a fart ! well never came back to that hotel room door !
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by ps3fanboy »

I remember a time staying in Vegas during a convention. I heard a couple talking in the room next to mine and of course I listened in with my ear against the wall. The dude was apparently there for the convention and his lady had just showed up. The lady was talking about their plans to go to one of those wedding chapels to finally get hitched. I got super stoked thinking that for sure i was going to not only hear sex, but honeymoon sex.

They left the room to go gamble or drink and returned about an hour later. At one point the guy finally told her that he wasn't so sure about getting married anymore. The lady sounded crushed. I figure the couple was in their 40s and they already lived together and had kids from a prior marriage/relationship. The guy's main problem with her was that she treated his kids from the prior relationship pretty awfully. At one point he insinuated that she was looking to run his kids out of the house. He also seemed like he was incredibly hen pecked and this was the first time he had the nerve to speak up to her. The rest of the night she was on the phone with family and girlfriends tearfully explaining that he wouldn't marry her. After listening to her for a while i think the dude made the right call.

No sex nevertheless....
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by mkr »

Well unfortunately I have to add a story to this thread. I was in a hotel recently and could hear through the connecting door to the next room and was elated to hear a man and a woman’s voice talking energetically because that may mean some sex later but then what do I hear? Apparently they are just friends who are sharing a room but the guy has a thing for her but she has friend zoned him big time. I could hear them talking in bed because he said he was wearing a t shirt and shorts to sleep in as they chatted enthusiastically and then later he asked “why won’t you sleep with me?” And then they had a long discussion about how she does like him but just wants a “deep friendship” and doesn’t want to mess it up. He kept on and on about him wanting them to be an item and she kept friend zoning him big time WHILE THEY ARE LAYING IN BED TOGETHER AT A HOTEL. I wanted to find him the next day and say dude forget that you need to split and quit chasing the impossible. Oh well sucks for him and worse for me because I gave up listening after that conversation and didn’t get to hear anything good.
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by sndprv »

^IMO, this sort of thing happens with...

a) couples before the relationship becomes sexual - especially younger couples, e.g. a young woman
wants to keep the guy to show off to her female friends that she can attract guys, but she isn't
interested in any kind of sexual relationship yet - either with him or with any other guy.

b) couples where the woman is interested in the said guy, but as a second choice to another guy she's more
interested in or more involved with. But she still keeps 'second choice' guy in her periphery in case she loses
the other guy (if that makes sense).

c) the woman is not physically attracted to the guy, but there are financial benefits in having him around.

Well, those are my knee-jerk theories on a Wednesday evening, anyway...
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Re: Ever hear something in a hotel you wish you wouldn't have?

Post by ericbxxxxx »

I rode up an elevator of a San Francisco hotel with an attractive couple in their early 30's. It was like 3am, they were drunk, and I got off on their floor (turns out it was the same as mine), and watched what room they were entering. I bided my time, let about ten minutes pass, headed on down the hall ready to record, and heard the following:

Her (crying): "I can't believe you don't want to have sex with me! I bought a different piece of lingerie for every night of our trip!"
Him: "I'm not always going to be in the mood!"
Her: "And another thing . . . I think it's really weird you like to watch gay porn before we have sex!"

I went straight to bed. I knew nothing was happening that night.
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