How to access the Archives

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How to access the Archives

Post by futheas »

The Archives contain all of the previously posted files that match the rules. As the collection grew steadily since 2002, we now (May 2024) have over 175 gb of sexsounds to offer.

You will find the Archives if you visit
but you will need a separate username / password to get in.

There are two ways to receive access: Immediately by subscription through CCBill (for conditions and subscription visit ... fc6546b65a) or by becoming an Active Member of the Community.

If you want to cancel your subscription, please visit this CCBill link:
You can do so whenever you feel the need to and will have access until the end of your paid subscription period of course.

Please keep your subscription email coming from CCBill as it contains information you might need (like subscription id and period).

How to become an Active Member of the Sexsoundlovers Community:

Active means that you post messages and files on a regular basis.

Join this forum, become familiar with the Community and become an Active Member by sharing.
If you are active, we will give you a FREE user account for the Files Archive. You may just have to ask politely. Please don't ask if you know that you are not an active member of the Sexsoundlovers Community.

25 posts total and 3 month onboard with consistent posting uploads, qualified comments, etc ... is the minimum requirement for requesters. This does NOT mean that 25 posts automatically open the doors to the archives. And DON´T try to fool us with fake sounds. I mean DON´T.

If after reading you think that you qualify for an active membership, please sent a message to the "Request" subforum. The Board of Elders will have a discussion about your request and decide. UPDATED: It may help for the decision-making-process if you include some ideas why you should be given free member status (ie. I posted 10 sounds in the last month, commented on xx number of clips and 2 items in the 'know how' thread, ...).

Please allow some time for decision making.
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